Great stories succeed because they capture the imagination of important audiences. In today’s time-starved world, the fewer details a marketer spells out, the more powerful the story becomes. So for us, great communication is a reductive art.
Great communications “get under the skin” of their target audiences
To talk to a consumer you must really relate to their story. How do they make decisions? What are their aspirations, pains, unrequited goals?
Crafting great stories is an art form
All communication is conversation. Understanding that stories are linked chapters within a greater plot is one key to creating engaging, compelling and rewarding communication. Understanding how consumers relate to stories is another.
Great stories agree with our world view
The best stories don’t teach people anything new. Instead, they agree with what the audience already believes and make them feel smart and secure when they are reminded how right they were in the first place.
Great stories master the counterpoint
The best stories can push people into a different way of seeing things. They don’t aim necessarily to change a point of view, rather, they hold the finesse that broadens or strengthens a point.
Great stories accomplish a goal
Comedians understand the power of the punch line. In the same way, our communications are designed and crafted to accomplish a marketing goal. Whether this be to inform or illicit a response, we meet communications goals.