ABNF’s Boffin & Fundi brand revamp embedded mission-critical quality, class and pedigree into a brilliant business.
Established in 1996, Boffin & Fundi is a highly successful black owned company boasting an Empowerdex AAA rating – Level 2 that provides world-class Engineering, Consulting, Proprietary Technology and Revenue Management solutions to local government (municipalities) and the utilities sector.
Perfectly named, Boffin & Fundi’s challenge lay in the disconnect between their capabilities and their brand image, positioning, brand language and communications. Our job was to rebrand the business and establish an identity, promise and complete channel and communications overhaul to showcase the stature, capabilities, accomplishments and key deliverables of the business.
From mission-critical to mission accomplished, Boffin and Fundi now boasts an image consistent with its smart, innovative capabilities including modular exhibition stands, project and building signage and all print, web and digital collateral.
1: Folder design.
2: Letterhead design.
3: Business card design.
4: Exhibition stand design.
5: Website design.
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Business, Design, Digital, Identity, Photography